3Safety prides itself on offering the best fire risk assessment and fire management plans proven to work for residents, mortgages, communal areas, flats, and others.
Fire Risk assessments are undertaken by competent consultants providing you with the necessary paperwork to achieve compliance and protect your premises through the best Fire Awareness Training & Plans.
Fire emergency plans & procedures for your premises helping you ensure all employees are able to evacuate fully. Fire management plans to help you achieve your requirements under Article 11 of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order and ensure fire safety is well managed within your premises.
Fire Management Training for all involved with fire safety from fire awareness for employees to fire wardens on their roles during the evacuation of your premises. Within the residential sector, waking watch training provides specific information on the building and procedures to be followed to assist with simultaneous evacuation.
3Safety prides itself on sensible health and safety solutions which are right for your business.